
Ashok Bharucha

Understanding Sundowning Behavior: Causes, Symptoms, and Management Strategies

Sundowning behavior, also known as sundown syndrome or late-day confusion, is a common phenomenon among individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. It refers to a pattern of i...

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Unveiling the Spectrum: A Comprehensive Exploration of Three Prevalent Diagnoses in Geriatric Psychiatry

The ageing process is accompanied by a myriad of physical and mental health changes, making geriatric psychiatry an indispensable field in contemporary healthcare. As the population ages, understa...

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Exploring the Depths of Neurology Psychology: A Comprehensive Journey into Brain-Mind Dynamics

Neurology psychology serves as a bridge between two seemingly disparate disciplines: neurology and psychology. This interdisciplinary field delves into the intricate connections between brain func...

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Navigating the Twilight: Insights into Sundowning Syndrome

Sundowning Syndrome, a term often associated with Dementia and Alzheimer's disease, describes a phenomenon where individuals experience increased confusion and agitation during the late afternoon a...

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Which Mental Changes Are Associated with Aging?

As we journey through life, our bodies and minds undergo a series of transformations. One of the most profound and inevitable processes we all experience is aging. While aging brings wisdom and exp...

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What is a Memory Specialist Called?

Memory is a fascinating and intricate aspect of the human mind. From remembering the name of a childhood friend to recalling important information for a test or work presentation, our ability to re...

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How Do You Get Tested for Dementia?

Dementia is a progressive and often devastating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It impairs cognitive functions such as memory, reasoning, and communication, making it challengi...

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Boosting Brain Health: The Top 3 Foods that Fight Memory Loss

Memory loss is a common concern as we age, and many people are actively searching for ways to maintain their cognitive function. While genetics and lifestyle play significant roles in determining ...

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The Cobalamin Question: Vitamin B12's Ambiguous Influence on Dementia

The rising prevalence of dementia worldwide has sent scientists and medical professionals into a frenzy of research, seeking potential treatments or preventative measures to combat this devastating...

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Unraveling the Network of Professionals Involved in Dementia Care

Dementia is a progressively debilitating condition that deeply affects individuals and their families, necessitating a comprehensive and compassionate approach to care. As the global population age...

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